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Thursday, December 30, 2010
write it up! in Chinese!!!
This from the beginning of the semester at point when there was the Chinese moon festival. There were games and good, plus a funny play.... some people will remember it. ;)
Friday, December 17, 2010
the Big drop
Haha! If you know me well you know I love to explore! So tonight my friends (Trinity, Conner, and Nathan) and I went through the science and natural science building on campus. Haha, and here are just a few of the adventures did had along the way. My favorite is the secret room. :D
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Friday, November 19, 2010
the craziness of Fall Conference!
So hey, I know I have not posted in like for ever... but yeah. I guess everyone here at Point love to climb.... anything! Which is perfect for me. Here are some of the crazy climbing we did during Fall conference. Awesome!!!
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Saturday, October 23, 2010
Hot dog!
My two co-workers at the uwsp rock wall showing off their skills. Awesome!
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Monday, October 18, 2010
Here's looking at you kid
Yeah, so watch this video and tell me he is not good. The kid is only like 2 or 3 years old. CRAZY!!!!
And more is to come... can you imagine chair dancing? Just wait and see!
And more is to come... can you imagine chair dancing? Just wait and see!
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Saturday, October 16, 2010
cookie battle!
Haha, yeah so after mountain biking you'd think I would stop there.... No! Haha, I had to go and bake my famous Puffy Panda Cookies and then we had to make a healthier version as well. My great partner was Daniel Clauses fellow dietetics student and amazing cook. We had fun making the cookies and then we went all over my hall handing out our cookies. It was great!
Haha, but we had a tie. A lot of people liked the panda cookies and the same amount liked the healthy cookies. In my personal choice I would love to have the healthy ones! They are soft and moist! But being celiac I could not eat any of them. In the end my friend Sam liked the healthier cookies, thus the healthier cookies seemed to have been the winner.
It was cool because we used Apple sauce and less sugar, I am so expressed that the health cookies did so well! Yay health!!!!!
Haha, but we had a tie. A lot of people liked the panda cookies and the same amount liked the healthy cookies. In my personal choice I would love to have the healthy ones! They are soft and moist! But being celiac I could not eat any of them. In the end my friend Sam liked the healthier cookies, thus the healthier cookies seemed to have been the winner.
It was cool because we used Apple sauce and less sugar, I am so expressed that the health cookies did so well! Yay health!!!!!
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mountain biking!
Wow, went mountain biking in wausau and it was so intense. It was really tough too! But I loved it!!!! I must do it again and get better. But as you can see in the photo I got beat up really good. And lately I have been getting totally beat up. Haha! But I would not have it any other way.
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Wednesday, October 13, 2010
fix it up!
So yeah, my cheap bike tire totally broke down on me. But lucky enough I told my rock friends and they introduced me to Justin, the bike man. So in the video I am heading to house right off campus. Great and fun guy! Very well informed in biking. Reminded me of my friend Tyler Gorde.
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Thursday, October 7, 2010
night on the bus
On the bus with Betty heading to wall-mart. Yay!!!!
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Wednesday, October 6, 2010
garage floor?
This is from a few weeks ago, I minimally helped cement my friend's garage he is putting up. Great stuff!
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Saturday, October 2, 2010
a knight's helmet
great info! watch the whole video! Totally worth it!
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Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
the greatness of quelf!
Haha, yes, this is Quelf. It makes you do the crazinest things in the world! My dear friend Amanda Russell, Shelly Hayes, and I played on my birthday. And boy it was funny! It was even better because Amanda kept on getting the weird action cards the whole time, so it was great!
Thanks girls for the fun!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
21st Birthday!

So yesterday was my 21st Birthday party! Yay! It did not go exactly as I have always dreamt it, but it was GREAT! My dream for my 21st was to go to a spa and get a mud bath, then go to a bar ask for "Milk" and ride a mechical bull. But this is what happened instead, and I could not have planned it better myself. :D

As you can see we went to a play ground across one the river by Stevens Point. But before we went to Emy J's, a little ice cream, smoothie, coffee, and tea shop. We all something good, and Amanda Russell brought me Chocolate almond bark. :D What a name! Then we all sat and talked and chilled for a bit, then we walked over to the river and watched Ducks play around. SUPER CUTE! (Video of ducks in last posting.)

The AWESOME ROCK WALL! :D With Kristen Collins.

Down the side we go, Amanda (me), Kristen, and my dear dear roomate, Carly!!! (By the way, Carly totally jazzed up our room for my B-day, YOU ROCK!)

Me and my friend Brian falling down the side, hold on!

Kristen, can you paint all the colors of the wind? ;)

I really do not know what I was thinking here....

Haha, Brian, thanks for the picture gift and for taking quite a few of these photos. :)

Flying rainbow! I am the yellow ranger! HAHA!
So we had a great time, climbing and playing around! I loved it anyways! Later most people went home, than my dear friend Amanda Russell picked up Shelly Hayes, and we play QUELF! A great great game! And had a blast (Will post videos of that later. ;) ) Then we chilled out and talk, it was great.
Thank you everyone that came and made it a great 21st Birthday! (With no drinking involved!) I feel so blessed! It would have not been complete with each one of you! LOVE!!!
Cute little things! Later they even out their butts in the air for us. Hehe!
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Sunday, September 5, 2010
bigger or better
Hehe, so this last week my friends and I played a game called Bigger or Better, where you have teams that go from house to house and ask for something bigger or better. We all started out with a papper clip, haha and went from there. :D

This is a dog from one of the houses we visited, he or she was super hyper and fun. I tried to get a photo of just the dog's face, but it would run away and everything. So cute. ;)

^^^ One of my attempts to take a photo. :D The owner of the dog gave us a fish charm, which my firend Laura did not want to give up. Love'ya!

Next house was an old man's place. He had this owl sitting outside the door and it howls if you get close it was cute. I was talking to him, but the bugs were so bad I walked away and he thought we were leaving; "Don't leave! I will find something to give you!" He said, it was soooo cute! He ended up giving us a can of beans.

We than went next door and this older lady gave us fudge mix for the can of beans, it was funny because we told her that the old man next door gave us the beans, she replayed; "Oh well I will give it back to him. We some times make meals for him." Aw, older people are so nice. :)

Next was a race car driver's house. They were confused by what we were doing, but once we explained it differently it was fun! The man invited us into his garage, where he started cleaning an old race car wheel. It was my favorite item.

This was their dog, it was a huskie/ black lab.... not very black....

^^^ The wife of the race car driver gave us cookies, she just had baked them. It was very sweet of her!

^^^This is the wheel I spoke of. It was awesome!

After the cookies and taking a few photos with the race car we went across the street where this nice older woman gave us a trash can... Haha she did not really want the wheel, but she was sweet and took it.

Next we went to an old woman and man's house, they both did not want the trash can. :p so we left, but... then the older woman came out and gave us a bird house... but did not take the trash can... Sad.

^^^ The bird house we got from the woman.

Sidenote: There was a lot of cactus around.

We spot at a woman's house where her husband had a garage full of clocks because he would fix them. But she could not offer us any clock. But she gave us a spit can. Which I love! And took the garage can and bird house. It was sweet of her.

Later the groups met back up and.... well we compared, what was funny was that two out of the four got gills at the end. Our group got the spit can and another group ended up with chocolate and something else... I cannot remember though. :p

^^^ Our spit can and prize... root-beer. YAY!
Fun fun game! Cannot wait to do it again!

This is a dog from one of the houses we visited, he or she was super hyper and fun. I tried to get a photo of just the dog's face, but it would run away and everything. So cute. ;)

^^^ One of my attempts to take a photo. :D The owner of the dog gave us a fish charm, which my firend Laura did not want to give up. Love'ya!

Next house was an old man's place. He had this owl sitting outside the door and it howls if you get close it was cute. I was talking to him, but the bugs were so bad I walked away and he thought we were leaving; "Don't leave! I will find something to give you!" He said, it was soooo cute! He ended up giving us a can of beans.

We than went next door and this older lady gave us fudge mix for the can of beans, it was funny because we told her that the old man next door gave us the beans, she replayed; "Oh well I will give it back to him. We some times make meals for him." Aw, older people are so nice. :)

Next was a race car driver's house. They were confused by what we were doing, but once we explained it differently it was fun! The man invited us into his garage, where he started cleaning an old race car wheel. It was my favorite item.

This was their dog, it was a huskie/ black lab.... not very black....

^^^ The wife of the race car driver gave us cookies, she just had baked them. It was very sweet of her!

^^^This is the wheel I spoke of. It was awesome!

After the cookies and taking a few photos with the race car we went across the street where this nice older woman gave us a trash can... Haha she did not really want the wheel, but she was sweet and took it.

Next we went to an old woman and man's house, they both did not want the trash can. :p so we left, but... then the older woman came out and gave us a bird house... but did not take the trash can... Sad.

^^^ The bird house we got from the woman.

Sidenote: There was a lot of cactus around.

We spot at a woman's house where her husband had a garage full of clocks because he would fix them. But she could not offer us any clock. But she gave us a spit can. Which I love! And took the garage can and bird house. It was sweet of her.

Later the groups met back up and.... well we compared, what was funny was that two out of the four got gills at the end. Our group got the spit can and another group ended up with chocolate and something else... I cannot remember though. :p

^^^ Our spit can and prize... root-beer. YAY!
Fun fun game! Cannot wait to do it again!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
market place

So yesterday we went to the Stevens Point farmers market just to look around and see everything. Haha, to my surprise there was a lot of Asians!!! Hehe! They are so cute. :D This man in the first photo makes these beautiful flowers. SO pretty!!!!


A lot of little shops, but great prices! But I hear there are a lot more farmers on Wednesday. Hehe, I will have to go then. ;)

Hehe, little Asian boys. They are so cute!


And this was just building painted like this. It is very well done. A lot of people!

Hehe, we went to Noodles and company after church today and Neal made John try and figure this weird thing with knifes and cups. I tried to help, but mess it up. Hehe. Oh well!
Farmers market,
Steven Point.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Home sweet home

Hey all, here is a load down on what our room looks like nice. This is my wonderful roomate Carly's desk. She knows how to do it!

This is my AWESOME bed! Hehe, I love it a lot. And I have the beautiful sun shining through which I LOVE!

This is Carly's bed, very cute, I love how she can put her pillows against the wall!

These are our dressers, mine is on the right, Carly's is on the left. Super nice spots, although we were having a problem getting power cable behide them. But it is all good!

Carly's side

My side.

My nice little desk, Yeah, I need to organize it a little bit better! ;)

And... Conner, Carly's boyfriend was kind enough to give us this great great TV! Where I will be playing my movies and Xbox 360. :D Also, it is an HD. YAY! He gave it to us because his roomate has a huge one coming! 42'.
I honestly cannot believe I am here right now, I do not think it will hit me till everyone starts coming in tomorrow. I am kind of scared for the rush of students coming in. But I know it will be just fine!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
On my way!
hey! so today is the day! the day I go to UW-Stevens Point. YAY!
So yesterday I packed everything up as you can see it was a lot of stuff with me. I am not planning on coming back to much because I lack a car. So my family got me a ton of stuff for the whole year. I am so excited and nervious too! I have no idea what this will be like. All I can do is trust that God got it all under his control.
I am surely going to miss everyone back home. I have made some AMAZING friends and will never forget you all. Thanks for putting up with me all this time. And I hope you will look at this blog whenever you can and see how God will lead me through this new exciting chapter of my life. I want to keep this updated as much as I can.
I am praying and missing you all already.
So yesterday I packed everything up as you can see it was a lot of stuff with me. I am not planning on coming back to much because I lack a car. So my family got me a ton of stuff for the whole year. I am so excited and nervious too! I have no idea what this will be like. All I can do is trust that God got it all under his control.
I am surely going to miss everyone back home. I have made some AMAZING friends and will never forget you all. Thanks for putting up with me all this time. And I hope you will look at this blog whenever you can and see how God will lead me through this new exciting chapter of my life. I want to keep this updated as much as I can.
I am praying and missing you all already.
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010
hey all! yes, I LOVE to run! I run to peoples houses all the time. Anyway, my mission yesterday was to just run 1.9 miles to my dear friend's houses the Wriedts. I ran from flabbergast to their house. I ran on one of the busiest roads I have ever been on before so far. I enjoyed the run!
but it was funny before I started running, my father dropped me off at Subway by flabbergast. Now most people are like; "Awesome! Subway! Food!" But I may have celiac disease(where I cannot eat gluten, which is in bread!), I should find out this week if I have the disease. Anyhow, so I walk in and have nothing I can eat. So I grab a drink and sit down for a bit before I leave for my run. After sitting around for a while I get up and head to the back on the place. The workers were looking at me weird for just getting a drink and sitting with a huge backpack. Haha, I bet they thought I was a little crazy.
fun day and fun run! ;)
but it was funny before I started running, my father dropped me off at Subway by flabbergast. Now most people are like; "Awesome! Subway! Food!" But I may have celiac disease(where I cannot eat gluten, which is in bread!), I should find out this week if I have the disease. Anyhow, so I walk in and have nothing I can eat. So I grab a drink and sit down for a bit before I leave for my run. After sitting around for a while I get up and head to the back on the place. The workers were looking at me weird for just getting a drink and sitting with a huge backpack. Haha, I bet they thought I was a little crazy.
fun day and fun run! ;)
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Monday, August 23, 2010
Inject me up!
well howdy, so three days ago I got my small intestines checked for Celiac disease. Very interesting day! First we get there almost went to the wrong department, but my father and I found it.
Next we met my nurse, and she was so funny and talked a lot which I loved. she told me: "oh, you will find a guy at college." Haha, yeah I am in no hurry is what I was thinking. nonetheless, she was sweet. After awhile sitting in a bed and waiting for the doctor, before that though they injected me for putting the "sleeping" stuff in.(that is why I have a photo of the shot and IV.
Finally they took me to the room for the tubing. I left like the woman in "the Father of The Bride" where she has to give birth to her child, of course ummm I did not go for the same reason. :)
So this woman talked to me and told me to expect something to go in my mouth before the tube, while she injected me with the bed time stuff(Haha, I do not know the name for it.). It was funny, all I remember is my doctor coming in and saying some stuff, then left my field of vision and I was out!
Later I wake up in my first room again with my dad and the nurse. I was still totally out of it and weak. And my throat hurt pretty bad. Anyways, the nurse got me up and in a wheel chair. Haha, I almost fell down getting up so they held me up. I have never left that weak.
After sitting in the lobby with the nurse and her stories of giving to birth to three of her own kids and then three more for other people my Mom came and picked us up.
I went home and slept!
Next we met my nurse, and she was so funny and talked a lot which I loved. she told me: "oh, you will find a guy at college." Haha, yeah I am in no hurry is what I was thinking. nonetheless, she was sweet. After awhile sitting in a bed and waiting for the doctor, before that though they injected me for putting the "sleeping" stuff in.(that is why I have a photo of the shot and IV.
Finally they took me to the room for the tubing. I left like the woman in "the Father of The Bride" where she has to give birth to her child, of course ummm I did not go for the same reason. :)
So this woman talked to me and told me to expect something to go in my mouth before the tube, while she injected me with the bed time stuff(Haha, I do not know the name for it.). It was funny, all I remember is my doctor coming in and saying some stuff, then left my field of vision and I was out!
Later I wake up in my first room again with my dad and the nurse. I was still totally out of it and weak. And my throat hurt pretty bad. Anyways, the nurse got me up and in a wheel chair. Haha, I almost fell down getting up so they held me up. I have never left that weak.
After sitting in the lobby with the nurse and her stories of giving to birth to three of her own kids and then three more for other people my Mom came and picked us up.
I went home and slept!
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