This is a dog from one of the houses we visited, he or she was super hyper and fun. I tried to get a photo of just the dog's face, but it would run away and everything. So cute. ;)

^^^ One of my attempts to take a photo. :D The owner of the dog gave us a fish charm, which my firend Laura did not want to give up. Love'ya!

Next house was an old man's place. He had this owl sitting outside the door and it howls if you get close it was cute. I was talking to him, but the bugs were so bad I walked away and he thought we were leaving; "Don't leave! I will find something to give you!" He said, it was soooo cute! He ended up giving us a can of beans.

We than went next door and this older lady gave us fudge mix for the can of beans, it was funny because we told her that the old man next door gave us the beans, she replayed; "Oh well I will give it back to him. We some times make meals for him." Aw, older people are so nice. :)

Next was a race car driver's house. They were confused by what we were doing, but once we explained it differently it was fun! The man invited us into his garage, where he started cleaning an old race car wheel. It was my favorite item.

This was their dog, it was a huskie/ black lab.... not very black....

^^^ The wife of the race car driver gave us cookies, she just had baked them. It was very sweet of her!

^^^This is the wheel I spoke of. It was awesome!

After the cookies and taking a few photos with the race car we went across the street where this nice older woman gave us a trash can... Haha she did not really want the wheel, but she was sweet and took it.

Next we went to an old woman and man's house, they both did not want the trash can. :p so we left, but... then the older woman came out and gave us a bird house... but did not take the trash can... Sad.

^^^ The bird house we got from the woman.

Sidenote: There was a lot of cactus around.

We spot at a woman's house where her husband had a garage full of clocks because he would fix them. But she could not offer us any clock. But she gave us a spit can. Which I love! And took the garage can and bird house. It was sweet of her.

Later the groups met back up and.... well we compared, what was funny was that two out of the four got gills at the end. Our group got the spit can and another group ended up with chocolate and something else... I cannot remember though. :p

^^^ Our spit can and prize... root-beer. YAY!
Fun fun game! Cannot wait to do it again!
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